Small Business Profit

Small Business Profit

Small Business Profit Blueprint

small business profit

Small business profit was the reason Seven Pillars to Profit was written. People are willing to launch or manage a business offering a product or service while taking risks to make a profit. Entrepreneurs have the willingness to have big ideas and daring to execute them. Entrepreneurs don’t see the world as it is but as it can be. If this describes you or your future self, this is for you. My name is Marv White, and I am the author of Seven Pillars to Profit: Your Blueprint for Small Business Success. This is a personal journey on how I got my business to deliver the wealth, lifestyle, and freedom we all deserve. Countless entrepreneurs are working.


Working On The Right Things

tough and sacrificing everything to make their businesses provide the money, lifestyle, and freedom they want. This is the point of starting a business in the first place. We are taught at a young age that hard work will be rewarded. If we work harder, we can be successful, but it isn’t true. Busting your hump and sacrificing family time, personal time, and finances can lead to little or nothing in return or even debt. Working harder is not what makes you successful. Success is achieved when you start working on the right things and stop working hard on the wrong things. My book Seven Pillars to Profit is the blueprint for working on the right things. Make your business more successful than you ever dreamed, not by working hard but by working on the right things. My blueprint is not about working hard; that is not what makes a success. Working on the right things will get you to the tipping point. The tipping point is when things become so comfortable that what once was work is abundant opportunity. Some might say that legendary entrepreneur Elon Musk works hard with 13 billion in net worth and is the founder of Tesla, Paypal, and SpaceX. He has abundant opportunities and has not worked for a long time.

The Tipping Point

This tipping point is what Michael Gerber describes in his book E-Myth about working on your business and not in it. You no longer worry about your company because you have implemented systems so your business can grow without any day-to-day input. You don’t have to grind and fight for every percentage of growth because your business is built to do this automatically. Your business becomes a machine that delivers the financial rewards, freedom, and lifestyle you deserve. This does not take genius and is not hard to do. It takes discipline to work on the right things.

Sledge Hammer Versus Smartphone

The tipping point is a shift from analog to digital thinking. Analog thinking is where you look for a faster horse that can gallop at 30 miles per hour versus 25 miles per hour. Digital thinking goes from struggling to get a horse to 30 mph to achieving 180 mph in an electric car. Analog is uncertain, with many variable results, while digital is precise with little variability. Digital thinking doesn’t require six times the energy to go from 30 to 180 miles per hour. It takes a fraction of the energy of analog thinking. Many use a sledgehammer for tasks when they should use a smartphone.  Seven Pillars to Profit was written because I was stuck in the analog world. Being hell-bent on outworking everyone and growing the business through sheer will. Always being the first to arrive at the office and the last to leave. Pushing past exhaustion and wearing it as a badge of honor. It made me feel like I was earning my bones as an entrepreneur and worthy of success, but I was wrong!


Blood, Sweat & Tears

My business defined me, and it was one of the most essential things in my life until my mother became ill. Now, the business meant little as I packed an overnight bag one Saturday and boarded a plane for Florida to be with my mom. I stopped caring and walked away from the business I had built from scratch with blood, sweat, and tears. At the time, the fledgling business had about a dozen employees and a staff that consisted of a bookkeeper and a supervisor. I left my business in the hands of my team without even telling them I was leaving. I didn’t talk to them for days and wasn’t thinking; I was acting on emotion. On an unconscious level, the belief in the back of my head was that the business would fall apart, but I felt that after the dust settled, I could rebuild. After a couple of weeks, I told my staff I would be gone indefinitely because I would be helping take care of my mom. Still, I was also in an emotional free fall and could not do anything else, never mind running a business.


Turning Point

This was my turning point. I was the guy wishing for a faster horse. My days used to be filled with angry customers, no-show employees, payroll, fighting the landlord, collections, begging for new business, etc. Does any of this sound familiar? I spend much of my time officiating daily squabbles between my supervisor, bookkeeper, and employees over petty matters. These would be the people who would run the business. Indeed, this was a train wreck, but I didn’t care and had no choice. Over the next several weeks, my staff would send me accounts payable and accounts receivable reports from QuickBooks and bank statements. I was shocked to learn that sales did not fall off a cliff and bank balances were climbing. As time passed and the business was doing well without me, it became evident that most of what I did didn’t make any difference. I was swinging a sledgehammer in my business and was only catching air. I was humbled that the only things that seemed to get results were what I did in the business, not the “work” I did. It was the 80/20 rule in full effect. 80% or more of the work I was doing in the business was a waste of time, although physically and mentally exhausting. I went from working hard in my business to doing nothing! And the company was doing as well or better than I was there.


Getting What You Deserve From Your Business

This experience proved that working hard is not the key ingredient to getting the money, lifestyle, and freedom you deserve from your business. The key to a successful company is working on the right stuff. It’s about transforming your workflows to digital instead of analog. Get Seven Pillars to Profit and the blueprint to take your business success to the next level today. Take the leap from horses to electric cars.


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What People Are Saying About Seven Pillars to Profit

“Marvin White demystifies the process of running a small business with three unique processes and seven specific pillars that, when applied, will take your business to the next level and reignite your passion for what you do! This book will change the way you approach business FOREVER!”

Michael Hellickson
Virtual Assistant Staffing

“Marvin White has the experience to help any Business Owner succeed; his new book dramatically and effectively shares this experience concisely and effectively. Any business owner who wants his navigation in the rough seas of entrepreneurship to happen with more ease and less struggle would profit greatly by reading Marvin’s book and engaging its principles!”

Thell Prueitt
Best-Selling Author of The Art and Science of Success: Vol. 2


“I believe the Seven Pillars to Profit concept is a refreshing way to look at a business. It allows entrepreneurs and business owners to apply a systematic approach to improve their businesses and gain more profit.”

Robert G. Allen
Author of Nothing Down, Creating Wealth, Multiple Streams of Income, and The One Minute Millionaire

“Marv’s Seven Pillar Profit Model will put you on the high road to entrepreneur success. Incorporate these Seven Pillars to impact your business and achieve your destiny positively.”

Patrick Snow
International Best-Selling Author of Creating Your Own Destiny and The Affluent Entrepreneur


small business profitMarv White is the Managing Partner at Bizprofitpro and the author of Seven Pillars to Profit: A Blueprint for Small Business Success.  He holds a BS in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Economics. He has owned and advised numerous businesses, including start-ups, sole proprietorships, and large enterprises. He firmly believes that entrepreneurs and business leaders are special people who see the world as it can be and not as it is. Marv White has published over 150 articles about small businesses and related topics, including business exit strategies, growth by acquisition, and other issues.


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