How Much is My Business Worth?

How Much is My Business Worth Today

How much my business is worth is a question many business owners want to know. This article will discuss business valuations. valuation methods and tactics for determining value. Firstly, a business valuation is a process used to determine the value of a company. Every business owner will need a valuation done during the life span of any business, whether it is large or small. Valuation reports are one of the most crucial tools an owner will have at their disposal to assist with important decisions and business planning. Valuation Reports help business owners secure business loans, investors, partnership agreements, retirement planning, divorce settlements, decisions on when and if you should buy or sell a company, and the proper insurance coverage.


Business Valuation Methods

There are three types of business valuations: cash flow, free cash flow, and net present value: 

Cash Flow valuations

Cash flow valuations are the most important type of business valuation because they reflect how much money a company has in the bank and how much it will need to generate to stay profitable.

Free Cash Flow valuations

It looks at how much money a company has left over after subtracting its current liabilities from its current assets. They are often more important than cash flow because they give a more accurate picture of a company’s liquidity.

Net Present Value (NPV)

This is another key type of business valuation that looks at future cash flows if a company sold all its assets (assets minus liabilities) today for an exact amount (less any discounts or commissions). This calculation is usually done using discounted future earnings models.


How much is my business worth


Tactics for Doing Business Valuations


When you’re looking to do valuations, it’s important to research the company and the specific industry it is in. It is crucial to gather such information as the last three years of tax returns, Profit and Loss Statements, information on the customer base and the size of the company, and its location. Additionally, you may want to use two or all of the valuation methods mentioned above to ensure that you obtain accurate numbers for the report. Also, don’t overstate a company’s value based on projections made by unverifiable sources; make sure to consider recent trends and other documented data that may be important.



Business valuations are important to make informed decisions about a business. Using the right valuation methodology is important to arrive at an accurate estimate of a business’s worth. Many business owners decide to utilize the services of a professional valuation company to ensure the validity and accuracy of such an important report. You can use the rules of thumb to estimate your company’s value quickly.  It is never too early or too late to find out the worth of your business because outside your home; it is most likely the largest asset a business owner has. 


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