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Questions for Entrepreneurs Quiz

Questions for Entrepreneurs Quiz

The Questions for Entrepreneur Quiz predicts if you have the right stuff to be an entrepreneur.  We researched the personalities of successful entrepreneurs and studied common traits they all possessed to create the entrepreneur quiz. There are different entrepreneur types ranging from freelancers to business leaders.  This quiz won’t tell you what type of entrepreneur you are but if your personality is compatible with entrepreneurship in general. This is an easy quiz to take, just add and subtract your score as you take the quiz to see your suitability to be an entrepreneur. It’s best if you get a piece of paper and tally your score as you answer the questions. The higher your score the more suitable you are for business ownership. Entrepreneurship is not for everyone. Be honest with your responses to get the best results. 




1. Were you a top achiever in school?

If you were a top student subtract 4, If not add 4.


2. Were you enthusiastic about participating in group activities in school?

If you enjoyed group activities like school clubs, team sports, or double dates, subtract 1. If not, add 1.


3. Did you prefer being alone as a youngster?

If yes add 1, If not subtract 1


4. Did you start a childhood enterprise or run for office at school?

can add 2. Those who didn’t have a childhood enterprise subtract 2


5. Were you stubborn as a child?

If you were a stubborn child add 1. If not subtract 1


6. Were you a cautious youngster?

If yes, subtract 4. I no, add 4.


7. Were you daring as a youth?

Add four more


8. Does the opinion of others matter a lot?

If you do, subtract 1. If they don’t add 1


9. Are you tired of your daily routine?

If that’s your motivation, add 2. If not, subtract 2.


10. Are you willing to work overnight?

If yes add 2. If no subtract 6.


11. Were your parents entrepreneurs?

Give yourself 1 point. If not, subtract 1 point.


12. Would you be willing to work “as long as it takes” with little or no sleep to finish a job?

If yes add 4 more.


13.  When you complete a project successfully, do you immediately start another?

If yes, add 2. If no subtract 2.


14. Are you willing to use a significant amount of your savings to start a business?

Add 2 for yes and subtract two if no.


15. Are you willing to borrow money from a bank, or friends and family?

Add 2 for yes or subtract 2 for no.


16. If your business fails, will you immediately work to start another?

If yes add 4. If no subtract 4.


17. Would you immediately start seeking a good-paying job?

Subtract 1. If yes


18. Do you see entrepreneurship as risky?

If yes, subtract 3. If no, add 2.


19. Do you put long-term and short-term goals in writing?

Add 1 for yes and subtract 1 for no.


20. Do you feel you have more knowledge and experience with cash flow than most people?

Add 2 for yes and subtract 2 for no.


21. Are you easily bored?

Add 2 for yes, subtract 2 for no.




35  or more: You share many of the qualities of an elite CEO. You have everything going for you and will likely enjoy spectacular entrepreneurial success.

18  to  35: You have the stuff that entrepreneurs are made of. You should do well as a business person as long as you give the required effort and maintain patience.

0  to 15: You can be a reliable business owner, but you have to make sure that entrepreneurship is for you.

-15  to 0: You might be able to make a go of it, but you may have to put in extra effort as your characteristics don’t lend themselves to the life of an entrepreneur.

15  to -35: Your characteristics and risk tolerance are not likely suited to be an entrepreneur.


The quiz isn’t scientific and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. It is meant to get you thinking critically about your personality as it relates to entrepreneurship. The voice inside your head is the only voice that matters. You may also consider clicking the following link to sign up for our next Business Buyer Webinar. We discuss the safest way to buy a business and join the ranks of entrepreneurs. Follow your heart and fulfill your potential whatever it is and wherever it may take you.

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